
Amiga: Lemmings (1991)

Oh noes! 5, 4, 3 ... plop plop plop...


About 20 years ago, a new hype about naive, little green fellows was born. Following their leader one after another, they would literally climb, dig, build or even suicide anywhere without hesitation. In other words, Lemmings are team players - it does not matter much to them if they die, as long as their population makes it to the exit and survives. Honorable!

DMA Design (now Rockstar North) did an excellent job on the level design. What the player basically does, is guiding his Lemmings around obstacles and finding a save way towards the exist. This is not always as easy as it sounds. Rocks block your way, seas of lava are only waiting to cook your little friends, cliffs have to be climbed and tunnels to be dug. All of this with only a limited amount of time and a certain percentage of Lemmings that must survive.

Personally, I like the Amiga version the best. It has such a cozy atmosphere, the gameplay gets you hooked instantly and the music is brilliant. Most of the songs are classical or traditional tunes, neatly remixed by Brian Johnston - they are the cherry on the top.


  1. I remember sitting in the library all day at school (librarian was cool) and playing lemmings on an Apple IIe computer...god i feel old

  2. favorite game when I was 5. Didnt have a clue what I was doin though

  3. I remember playing lemmings a lot, actually it was more watching my older brother play lemmings, because I was too young at the time to successfully go through more than a few levels. I turned on my nostalgia glasses for this!

  4. Oh dear lemmings, how much time I've wasted on you...

  5. Not even kidding I probably played this game for weeks as a kid on my MS-DOS computer. This game is so simple yet so clever and fun. Great videos, brought back a lot of memories!! But also, I am impressed with your blog in general!! Very cool, definitely following!

  6. OH NO!! YOU DIDN'T!! I have spend so many hours playing Lemmings. Damn! Lemmings is one of my all time favorite games!

  7. Funny how games did sort of a dip in the late 90s, they were fucking SICK back in the day and they're cool now, but I wouldn't exactly go over to my PS1 and play anything that I used to.

    good review of a classic game

  8. Cool stuff, loved lemmings :P

  9. I love lemmings, beat it like forty billion times, hey check out my new blog my goal is to make someone LOL their face off, http://lolmyfaceoff.blogspot.com/

  10. Know that game, pretty good! :)

  11. Lemmings reminds me of my childhood

  12. Dude, I remember that game!!! oh wow :D

  13. Never played this one hahaha

  14. lemming = win..

    there are a few decent iphone versions I have seen

  15. Lemmings is actually a really great game

  16. lol lemmings, i love that shit

  17. I wonder how many hours of my childhood I wasted on that game!!!!

  18. do not go near the lemmings hahahaha

  19. this reminds me of pikmin?

  20. Theres a new version out somewhere. Must get it

  21. I remember this being actually difficult when I was young haha. I was 3 when this came out.

  22. i grew up on games like lemmings. nostalgia overload!

  23. I love lemmings! I used to play it during class in high school every day haha

  24. Lemmings is one of those games everyone who has ever played it can't help but love
